IGSSE Supervisory Award 2024

Professor Veit Senner has been awarded the IGSSE Supervisory Award 2024 in recognition of his outstanding commitment to supervising doctoral researchers in his IGSSE projects. This award highlights not only his “exceptional scientific guidance but also the strong personal relationships he fosters with his doctoral researchers”, said IGSSE Director Professor Barbara Wohlmuth during the presentation of the award. Professor Senner's dedication to both the academic and personal development of his doctoral researchers has been highly appreciated.
Professor Senner leads the "Initiative for a Translational Ethiopian-German Research Group to Achieve Transfemoral Exoprostheses" project, which focuses on developing advanced prosthetic solutions. Additionally, he is part of the Innovation Network “Exoskeleton and Wearables Enhanced Prevention and Treatment”, which aims to enhance prevention and treatment through innovative exoskeleton and wearable technologies.
We are pleased to have presented Professor Senner with the award in the presence of his doctoral researcher Kati Nispel and wish him and his doctoral researchers all the best for the future!