11.07 Radiomics to estimate local tumor infiltration and optimize personalized treatment in glioma patients
TUM School of Medicine, TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering, TUM Department of Informatics and GE Global Research
Glioblastoma is the most common primary malignant brain tumor. It is infiltratively growing and associated with poor prognosis. Treatment is planned based on multi-modal anatomic and functional imaging and always includes a multi-disciplinary approach. So far, image structures are interpreted with basic volumetric measures at best, and the rich patho-physiological information of advanced clinical imaging sequences is not made use of, as the analysis of complex multi-parametric, multimodal and even multi-temporal image data sets is still a major challenge. In the proposed project, we will pursue a consolidated effort to analyse clinical imaging data together with genetic and histological information to generate new imaging, image processing, and modelling tools. We will estimate local tumor burden with advanced radiomics techniques, and integrate this with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging sequences. We will estimate tumor proliferation and infiltration patterns using biophysical growth models, and make an effort to develop new techniques for the probabilistic alignment of pre- and postoperative images using biomechanical priors. There will be a strong emphasis on machine learning in all four projects. Imaging and modelling tools will be implemented and validated on clinical data, to enable the translational use of our technologies and to maximize their impact on the personalized treatment of glioma patients.

Project team leader
PD Dr. Jan Kirschke
Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

Doctoral Researcher
Carolin Pirkl
Image-based Biomedical Modelling

Doctoral Researcher
Ivan Ezhov
Image-based Biomedical Modelling

Doctoral Researcher
Florian Kofler
Image-based Biomedical Modelling

Doctoral Researcher
Diana Waldmannstetter
Image-based Biomedical Modelling

Principal investigator
Professor Stephanie Combs
Klinik und Poliklinik für RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie
Principal investigator
Professor Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis
Associate Professorship of Continuum Mechanics

Principal investigator
Professor Björn Menze
Image-based Biomedical Modelling

Principal investigator
PD Dr. Marion Menzel
GE Global Research & TUM Department of Physics