Project: Phonon-Assisted Lithium-ion Conductivity enhancement in halide-based superionic conductors
Collaborating departments: Physics Department and Forschungsneutronenquelle einz Maier-Leibnitz (TUM); Department of Semiconductor Electronics (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
Optimization of ionic conductivity in the solid state is one of the major challenges in modern science critical for many energy-related applications, such as fuel cells, hydrogen storage, and/or batteries. Progress permanently demands novel, stable, and better-performing ionic permeation membranes for different ionic species under a variety of working conditions. The so-called all-solid-state-battery (ASSB) – a projected successor of Li-ion batteries, highly popular at the moment, where liquid electrolyte is substituted by a superionic conductor, is an example of such a critical application. The ASSB opens broad perspectives in terms of
(i) widening the operational voltage window;
(ii) increasing the usable temperature range;
(iii) optimizing safety and utilization of metallic lithium anode leading to the boost of energy density in ASSBs.
With respect of such application, we aim to characterize the underlying role of crystal structure and the phonon subsystem on the ionic transport in a relatively new and unexplored family of lithium conductors with the general formula Li3MX6. Our goal is to demonstrate the enhancement of lithium transport and stability of solid state lithium conductors through targeted materials engineering and theoretical predictions.
Coordinating Postdoc
Dr. Vladislav Kochetov
Chair of Functional Materials, TUM Physics | TUM

Principal Investigator
Dr. Anatoliy Senyshyn
Heinz Maier Leibnitz Zentrum - Structure Research Group | TUM

Principal Investigator
Professor Leonid Vasylechko
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Co-Principal Investigator (TUM)
Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum
Chair of Functional Materials | TUM