11.02 Controlled prOcessing and Numerical models for the understanding of charge Transport & Recombination in Organic eLectronics (CONTROL)
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (ehemals: TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering);
The prospect of low cost, flexible and efficient organic electronic devices that can be easily printed like field-effect transistors, light-emitting diodes and organic or hybrid solar cells is highly attractive for various industries and their applications. However, producing such industrially relevant devices reliably requires a high control during fabrication as well as fundamental understanding of the physics of light absorption and charge transport properties of semi-crystalline, conjugated polymer systems and their donor-acceptor blends. To systematically improve such devices a high degree of control during device fabrication is necessary. Otherwise improvement can only be achieved by trial and error. In our project CONTROL we propose to further develop a materials system where we have already shown a high degree of unprecedented control. Together with appropriate state of the art simulation and further co-developed modeling tools we will separately address different aspects of the devices one by one: recombination, exciton splitting and charge transport. Doing so we will gain fundamental progress in understanding charge transport processes which are extremely valuable for a large range of future organic electronics applications and material developments in general.
Project team leader
Doctoral Researcher
Waldemar Kaiser
Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion
Doctoral Researcher
Asena Cerhan Haink
Herzig Group
Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
Christopher Greve
Herzig Group
Principal investigator
Professor Alessio Gagliardi
Assistant Professorship of Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion
Principal investigator
Professor Eva M. Herzig
Juniorprofessorship for Dynamics and Structure Formation – Herzig Group