Health Resilience in a Changing Environment
Five interdisciplinary projects have been selected to form the JADS cohort 2024. They aim to make human health and well-being more resilient in the evolving environment, strive to move the evolution of the environment towards healthier directions and achieve both aims synergistically.
Here are the projects:
- GeMiNi4Health: Generation of Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Water: Implications for Health and Environmental Policy
- IMAD: Allergies in the modern world: Investigating the impact of microplastic exposure on the skin-gut and skin-lung axis and its influence on allergy development
- MENACE: Microplastics Exposures and Nanoplastics in Atheromas: Implications for Cardiovascular Events?
- PANORAMA: Mechanisms determining the Protective Impact of the FArm ENvironment in the DevelOpment of EaRly-life Allergy and asthMA
- PhysOMu: Deciphering the biophysical aspects of mucociliary defense against fine dust pollution to understand patientspecific vulnerability to airway dysfunction