Project: Generation of Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Water: Implications for Health and Environmental Policy
Collaborating Departments: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Imperial); Environment and Climate Policy (TUM)
The unconstrained use of plastics is posing severe environmental challenges. Annually, 6 Mtons of plastic find their way into rivers and oceans, where they further release microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) and other hazardous substances into ecosystems, which ultimately results in environmental and human exposure. Recent studies have detected polymers within human blood, placenta, and lungs, among others, with certain particle sizes showing the potential to breach the blood-brain barrier or translocate within the body.
This research will bridge water engineering (Imperial) with policy (TUM), informed by health and environment experts participating in a “Plastic-Toxicity Network” (PTN, setup jointly by Imperial and TUM), to identify most hazardous plastics in the environment. We will consider conventional, recycled and biodegradable plastics –made of different polymers–, which will be exposed to fluvial and coastal weathering in a hydrodynamics laboratory. The byproducts generated under different environmental conditions will be monitored, and later analysed together with the PTN, to yield unequivocal recommendations related to human and ecosystems exposure. TUM experts will use this information, together with a historical stakeholder-response analysis, to jointly design policy recommendations for public administrations, industry and consumers (civil society); therefore aiming to influence the ongoing national, European (Water Framework Directive9) and international (plastic treaty10) policy and legislative developments.
Principal Investigator (Imperial)
Dr. Daniel Valero Huerta
Senior Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics
Principal Investigator (TUM)
Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
Professor in Environment and Climate Policy
Doctoral Candidate (Imperial)
Doctoral Candidate (TUM)
Suchithra Acharya