Interdisciplinary exchange - the Annual JADS Symposium
The JADS Annual Symposium is a significant event within the Joint Academy for Doctoral Studies (JADS) program, run in collaboration with Imperial College in London. The symposium serves as a premier platform for bringing together participants, including Principal Investigators, doctoral researchers, and guests, from one to three days of scientific exchange and collaboration. It is held annually alternately at Imperial College in London and at the TU Munich. The symposium provides a dynamic setting for collaborative discussions, knowledge exchange, and networking within the JADS community. Not only does it facilitate scientific interactions, but it also serves as a platform for fostering connections and partnerships among participants.
As part of the IGSSE-Qualification Program for JADS, every doctoral researcher must participate in at least two editions of the JADS Symposium.
Check out the last JADS Annual Symposium held in London in November 2023.